Use "fine art portraiture"
Really need a "products offered" section
Really need a "products offered" section
Mike Yost First of all, there is a "rule" that I found works for Photographers Websites- "make them where people will contact you for more information". Often times MORE is not better and explaining everything there causes that "right swipe" or click off and go elsewhere. What you DO want is enough there to get them to inquire for more information. Yes, they are going to ask for "how much for a CD/DVD of my images". It's all they know TO ask. STIP IT with this "people don't read" crap. They don't. It's a PHOTOGRAPHY website and they are looking at your photos. So give them just enough text to get them to CALL YOU or whatever you want them to do to contact you. Email them back, call them, get in front of them- TELL YOUR STORY face to face and NOT on your website.
There is an OLD thing too about TL'dr. (too long, didn't read). and in today's world of information, they DON'T read it all. They are bombarded all day with information they don't read. Pretty much anything over 2 paragraphs, never gets read through to the end. It's why news media puts 90% of the article in the first 2 paragraphs. They HOPE you get through the details, but the "skimmers' get the meat up front. Your website has to do the same thing.
If you are going to get "P.O'd" when people oontact you asking "how much for a CD", then don't put a contact method on your site! Because they WILL stop inquiring and asking dumb questions. For ME, I love them asking "how much for a CD" because it gives ME the chance to educate, inquire to their NEEDS and DESIRES, and offer them an experience unlike any they can imagine. THEY only want "someone to take our picture". and it gives ME the chance to give them something they never expected- and get paid to do it.
Face some reality here- YOUR website got an inquiry. THAT'S what you wanted. Sure, it may be about something YOU don't offer, but for heavens sake, DON'T call people stupid for asking. MANY have never hired a Professional Photographer before and are basing their questions on something someone's grandmother told them from a friend of someone they don't really know that they got from someone they never met.
Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs
There is an OLD thing too about TL'dr. (too long, didn't read). and in today's world of information, they DON'T read it all. They are bombarded all day with information they don't read. Pretty much anything over 2 paragraphs, never gets read through to the end. It's why news media puts 90% of the article in the first 2 paragraphs. They HOPE you get through the details, but the "skimmers' get the meat up front. Your website has to do the same thing.
If you are going to get "P.O'd" when people oontact you asking "how much for a CD", then don't put a contact method on your site! Because they WILL stop inquiring and asking dumb questions. For ME, I love them asking "how much for a CD" because it gives ME the chance to educate, inquire to their NEEDS and DESIRES, and offer them an experience unlike any they can imagine. THEY only want "someone to take our picture". and it gives ME the chance to give them something they never expected- and get paid to do it.
Face some reality here- YOUR website got an inquiry. THAT'S what you wanted. Sure, it may be about something YOU don't offer, but for heavens sake, DON'T call people stupid for asking. MANY have never hired a Professional Photographer before and are basing their questions on something someone's grandmother told them from a friend of someone they don't really know that they got from someone they never met.
Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs